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Capture d’écran 2019-08-22 à

Mehdi Kasraoui is a French artist of Algerian origin and having studied at the FIT in New York and his weapons in the United States for 6 years in a concept store of accessories and glasses.


He creates his first long necklace in aviator style spectacle lenses. In the evening he works in the trendiest clubs in the Big Apple.

An immersion that allowed him to develop his creative and artistic sense. In the evenings, he meets designers, photographers, stylists, performers, celebrities from the nightlife, artists...

In the summer, he goes to live in Ibiza. In the trendiest clubs, he develops his artistic senses, the art of styling and above all a great open-mindedness.

When he returned to France in 2005, he forged his artistic project.

He first developed his jewelry in spectacle lenses and then in 2019 he arrived with his first collection of decorative works of art, flowers in spectacle lenses called "Chance".

These flowers are made up of bezel-glass petals symbolizing light, life, truth. 

Through his art, he spreads the message of "enlightenment" to the whole world... 



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