Born in 1948, he has been painting since adolescence. At the same time, he led a long career as a finance official, particularly internationally. Since 2011, he has devoted himself exclusively to painting in his studio in Nîmes where he lives.
Vibrant energy.
I work on the shock and harmony of colors, on the breath and the circulation of energy. With knives, using brushes, I try to master this spontaneity by organizing figurative forms on the canvas in a naive and abstract vision.
After making a first painting, I watch it for days or weeks. I meditate in front of this painted canvas, I hesitate. When finally arises the vision, I take it back: work of superimposing layers until the color is saturated in space.
Travels, missions, my old lives, the violence and the misery of the world, I retain only the beauty of the multiple worlds through cities, rivers, beaches, ports, strange boats, Chinese fleets sailing in the memory of the Mediterranean, Indochinese, South American or Haitian world, sometimes even through the ages.
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Al Courty has participated in the exhibitions of the Art et Miss gallery on the following themes:
May 2016: Naïve art, singular art
June 2017 : Travel Dream
September 2017: Tribute to color
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Art naïf, Art singulier - Mai 2016
Travel Dream - June 2017
Hommage à la couleur - Septembre 2018