Jean-Pierre POISSON

After basic training at the School of Decorative Arts inNice, Jean-Pierre Poisson traveled for many years, from the East to Northern Europe, from Africa to the Americas.2. He immersed himself in local cultures and frequented various workshops of local painters such asEugene Malongaconsidered one of the five founders of Congolese painting.
He uses Chinese brushes tocalligraphy, legacy of several years of work with a Chinese painter, which allow him to achieve very special effects2. His plastic language is very personal, contrasting transparencies and thicknesses, with a wide pictorial palette. He improvises on the canvas as he liked to do on the piano[ref. necessary], with complete freedom, in the emotion of the moment. He transports us to uncertain landscapes on the border of the abstract and the figurative which allow infinite decipherments.
Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr, Auctioneer, former President of the Palais de Tokyo (Musée d'Art Moderne de la ville de Paris) writes in the catalog of the sale of December 17, 2012 where three paintings were put up for sale: "In an almost instinctive attraction for the painting of emotion, Jean-Pierre Poisson improvises his chromatic ranges and plays on the canvas as he expresses himself on the piano: with grace and spontaneity. With fever, the emotions then spring onto the canvas, sensitive and pure, in the brilliance of their colors. Jean-Pierre Poisson devotes an unqualified fascination to light...”.
He regularly performs numerous exhibitions in France and abroad (New York,Shanghai,Moscow,Miami,Florence,Tokyo,monaco,London, etc.). In 2003, he made an exclusive personal exhibition at the International Mediterranean Forum Conference organized byJose Maria Aznar, Spanish Prime Minister, in which the Heads of Government of the countries bordering the Mediterranean took part.

Moscow/St Petersburg - June 2016